First CCAP Learning Series Session Kicked Off

January 4, 2016
CCAP kicked off the first session of the CCAP Learning Series—a collection of short courses designed to enhanced knowledge of contact center professionals—with its first offering last October 22 to 23 at the Asian Institute of Management.
In its first outing, the CCAP Learning Series featured the session entitled, “The Executive Guide in Managing Risks from Labor Regulations” facilitated by one of the country’s foremost authority in BPO relations and senior partner of ACCRALAW, Atty. Rico De Guzman. The one-and-a-half day learning session focused on four key labor issues: the Philippine labor standards, rights of the employees to form unions, the hiring and firing employees, and restrictive covenance. Atty. De Guzman highlighted current jurisprudence in discussing this main issues. He drew from his and his law firm’s experience litigating BPO labor-related cases as well as Supreme Court rulings.
The session was attended by 68 participants from 31 CCAP member and ten non-member companies. Because of the nature of the topic, more than two-thirds of the participants were from their company’s human resource department. The session received high praises from the participants with 97% ranking it as “extremely relevant” and “very relevant”.
CCAP member companies can look forward to new CCAP Learning Series sessions in 2016. In the pipeline are sessions on leadership for team leaders (March and July), IT security (March) and using social media in recruitment (May). The second run of “The Executive Guide in Managing Risks from Labor Regulations” is scheduled in September. Joining instructions to these sessions will be posted in this website and other CCAP social media sites.
The October 22-13, 2015 session was supported by Azalea Hotel and Residences (