
GenNext Leadership Forum

The industry is blessed with a multitude of talented, capable and passionate managers who have what it takes to be the next-generation leaders of their respective organizations and of the industry.  Honed and seasoned, they represent the best and brightest managers in any industry in the country.  In their hands lie—not only the future of their own companies—but that of the entire industry as well.

This half-day event offers a unique opportunity for attending managers to hear valuable insights from C-suite executives, most of whom are recognized as industry leaders.  It provides a rare chance for the attendees to hear from industry thought leaders their thoughts on leadership and other industry issues.


The GenNext Leadership Forum aims to inspire and energize high potential managers so that they can prepare themselves for greater leadership role in their organizations and the contact center industry.

Who May Attend

The event is available to high potential middle managers of CCAP member companies.

Date: Apr 27, 2020
Venue: To be announced.



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