About CCAP
The CCAP Story
The Contact Center Association of the Philippines (CCAP) is the umbrella organization of the Philippine contact center industry. CCAP serves as the focal point of sectors that enable the Philippines to sustain its leadership in the global contact center industry.
From having seven original founders in 2001, CCAP is now comprised of over a hundred member-companies operating in various strategic locations in the Philippines. These members account for more than 60% of the revenues and workforce in the industry.
As a non-profit organization, CCAP promotes awareness of the contact center industry; active exchange of ideas, new technologies, best practices and innovations; and the sustained growth of the industry and the country.

A homage to the Philippine BPO worker found at Eastwood City, a self-sustaining township in Quezon City, Metro Manila. The inscription reads:
“This sculpture is dedicated to the men and women that have found purpose and passion in the business process outsourcing industry. Their commitment to service is the lifeblood of Eastwood City, the birthplace of BPO in the Philippines. Eastwood City was declared under Presidential Proclamation No. 191 as the Philippine’s first economic zone dedicated to information technology”.